80/20 Product Backlog Refinement

80/20 Product Backlog Refinement teaches a set of proven techniques for finding high-value, high-learning slices to maximize impact and minimize risk. You’ll learn how to split big ideas into valuable features, features into compelling user stories, and big user stories into slices of value you can deliver every day. You’ll also learn how to structure your backlog to have just the right detail at the right time, getting rid of those long, painful backlog grooming meetings. These are essential skills for Product Owners and for anyone else who has responsibility for the direction of a product at any level of detail.

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Course Includes

  • 20 Lessons

Ratings and Reviews

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2 Ratings
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Posted 7 months ago
Every PO should take this course

I like the clear presentation of the materials. I also appreciate that many methods can be directly put into practice. Very well done.

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Reg Williams
Posted 8 months ago
Not a lot of courses talk about complex problem solving this one does!

Each piece of this content is tied to making things easier for a product owner/manager. The content, tools, and explanations lead to a cohesive product strategy for day to day life as a PM/O. I particularly liked the Cynefin model, feature mining, stakeholder management and the roadmapping for clarity module. I would highly recommend this course to any PM/O.

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