Prereqs for CSM, CSPO, and Agile for Teams Courses
Welcome to the online component of your Humanizing Work Agile and Scrum Training course! This prereq material covers the basics of Complexity, Agile, and Scrum, so that when we meet in the workshop we can go deeper into application, vs. reviewing the basics the whole time. If you're already familiar with Cynefin, Agile Values & Principles, and how Scrum is intended to work, you'll be able to cruise through the content pretty quickly. If not, you'll get a firm foundation on which to build in the workshop. This content was created in collaboration with the Scrum Alliance, so they are fully aligned with the Scrum Guide. You never lose access to this course, so you can review it at any time in the future.
The course also gets you working in our favorite online collaboration tool, Miro, which we will use extensively during the workshop.
It's important that you complete these prior to the workshop so we're ready to dive into how these concepts apply in making work more impactful and effortless!
Each lesson and quiz has a button for you to provide feedback in case anything is confusing or doesn't work for some reason. Let us know if that happens, we jump right on those notifications.